2017-12-18 02:29:49 UTC
Sorry, my phone keyboard auto corrected Steven to Stephen.
Yes, we can get this process started.Hey Stephen,
I'd like to register to become an official Apache contributor to help
maintain our Capstone project and other Apache projects going forward.
that something we can do?
- Elijah
I'd like to register to become an official Apache contributor to help
maintain our Capstone project and other Apache projects going forward.
that something we can do?
- Elijah
You can review the web pages for our projects.
Apache Xerces - https://xerces.apache.org - the XML Parsers
Apache Xalan - https://xalan.apache.org - the XSLT Transforms
Apache Foundation - https://www.apache.org
Contributor Notes - https://community.apache.org/contributors/
The Xerces and Xalan projects use JIRA for issue and bug tracking.
Apache Jira - https://issues.apache.org
The Xerces and Xalan projects use Subversion for code revision archives.
You are free to check out most project trees for our Apache Foundation
software projects. Some projects have migrated to GIT.
Subversion viewpc gives you a browser view of many project code bases.
You can place update files in JIRA. They can be reviewed by the project
teams and committed to the repositories. Successful committers can request
to become recognized committers to specific projects.
Apache Software Foundation uses a meritocracy concept, whereby those who
gain merit for their activities can be granted additional permissions
and recognition in the foundation.
The primary mail list for the Xalan development work is ***@xalan.apache.org.
Steven J. Hathaway
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@xalan.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@xalan.apache.org